Inner spaces

Climbing the Mont Blanc is a pilgrimage during which we explore our internal abysses and on the peak we find such we were always looking for: our selves.
It’s quartz crystals and the rare red fluorites contain libraries where the earths epochs are codified, stories that predate us by thousands of years.
According to Gaston Rebuffat it’s glaciers were fairytales gardens. It’s austere ice and granite walls represent still today, for a great number of alpinists, both a challenge and a necessity: feeling alive in the silence of the immense spaces.
The Sacred Mountain recalls souls that like the introspection, apparently wanderers of the futile. Sir Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf’s father, in August of the 1873 reaches its peak to admire the sunset. On the slopes of the sacred mountain Walter Bonatti was looking for solitude as a condition to live with greater intensity.
After the legendary solo winter ascent in February 1965, of the North faceoff the Matterhorn, Walter once back in Zermatt said: “I dedicate this venture to the hundredth anniversary of the conquest of the Matterhorn, and to Europe United.” A message that forecasted the present times, a recall to community and fraternity.
In the olden days the Mont Blanc marked an insurmountable border, today it’s a bridge between people, not dividing but embracing; it’s the Sacred Mountain, symbol of unity of the European continent.
When you live in the mountains you spend magical evenings looking at cold water drops that freezing descend in the shape of ice crystals. Sometimes they melt when touching the ground, other times they accumulate changing the landscape covering it in a white blanket. They are magical. Two alike don’t...
The mountains are full of wisdom, they have an antique Presence, a Spirit that tells the story of the eras: it’s part of their power. For some it’s easy to access their language, their wisdom, for others they are conglomerations of minerals. On the peaks embraced by the mystical silence, we...
Snow, ice, granite, quartz crystals are all part of the DNA that I have inherited from generations of mountains people and alpine guides. One step at the time towards the peak. Joy, enthusiasm, tiredness, the descent towards home, the final rest. When I lift my gaze I linger on the mountain...
You have accepted the challenge of climbing the great mountain, right up to where you can see forever. Incomparable scenery just waiting to be discovered, living nature to encounter, a sky for the walking. Skyway Monte Bianco is not just a cable car. Get ready.